- Category: GalaXR
- Read Time: 1 min
- Hits: 507
ARCade Space Shooter Game
GaLaXR is a spaceshooter game currently under devlopment for XR.
The game is based on classic arcade games like Galaga, Space Invaders and Phoenix.
Nowadays we have lots of better tech to play games on compared to the times those Arcade games existed in 2D.
Our mission is to bring back alive those good old arcade games on new immersive XR devices and add features like network play to those games.
As current game devices are more powerfull as the calssic arcade machines, we have more resources to do more.
Our slogan is " Arcade Remade" and GaLaXR is one of those games, it is remade from scratch inspired by games above and will be inique in its own way.
- Coop Playmode LAN/WAN
- Coop Playmode HotSeat ( Tilt Five Only )
- Cross platform gameplay
- Online leaderboards
- Unlock archievements
- Multi input system support
GalaXR release is planned in 2023.